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3 posts tagged with "v0.3.2"

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· 3 min read
Yung-Hsiang Hu

National Taiwan University's Liang-Hsuan Tseng and NTU COOL team released the Cool-Whisper model last night (7/17), which is suitable for recognizing Taiwanese pronunciation Chinese or mixed Chinese-English audio files.
Kuwa can directly apply it by simply modifying the Modelfile.


The model was temporarily taken offline around 12:00 on 7/18 due to privacy concerns.
Friends who want to use this model can continue to follow its HuggingFace Hub and use it once it is re-released.

Setup Steps

  1. Refer to the Whisper setup tutorial to start the Whisper executor

    • The Cool-Whisper model is approximately 1.5 GB in size and will occupy up to 10 GB of VRAM during execution
  2. Create a new bot named Cool-Whisper in the store, select Whisper as the base model, and fill in the following model settings file, focusing on the PARAMETER whisper_model andybi7676/cool-whisper parameter

    SYSTEM "加入標點符號。"
    PARAMETER whisper_model andybi7676/cool-whisper #base, large-v1, large-v2, large-v3, medium, small, tiny
    PARAMETER whisper_enable_timestamp True #Do not prepend the text a timestamp
    PARAMETER whisper_enable_diarization False
    PARAMETER whisper_diar_thold_sec 2
    PARAMETER whisper_language zh #for auto-detection, set to None, "" or "auto"
    PARAMETER whisper_n_threads None #Number of threads to allocate for the inferencedefault to min(4, available hardware_concurrency)
    PARAMETER whisper_n_max_text_ctx 16384 #max tokens to use from past text as prompt for the decoder
    PARAMETER whisper_offset_ms 0 #start offset in ms
    PARAMETER whisper_duration_ms 0 #audio duration to process in ms
    PARAMETER whisper_translate False #whether to translate the audio to English
    PARAMETER whisper_no_context False #do not use past transcription (if any) as initial prompt for the decoder
    PARAMETER whisper_single_segment False #force single segment output (useful for streaming)
    PARAMETER whisper_print_special False #print special tokens (e.g. <SOT>, <EOT>, <BEG>, etc.)
    PARAMETER whisper_print_progress True #print progress information
    PARAMETER whisper_print_realtime False #print results from within whisper.cpp (avoid it, use callback instead)
    PARAMETER whisper_print_timestamps True #print timestamps for each text segment when printing realtime
    PARAMETER whisper_token_timestamps False #enable token-level timestamps
    PARAMETER whisper_thold_pt 0.01 #timestamp token probability threshold (~0.01)
    PARAMETER whisper_thold_ptsum 0.01 #timestamp token sum probability threshold (~0.01)
    PARAMETER whisper_max_len 0 #max segment length in characters
    PARAMETER whisper_split_on_word False #split on word rather than on token (when used with max_len)
    PARAMETER whisper_max_tokens 0 #max tokens per segment (0 = no limit)
    PARAMETER whisper_speed_up False #speed-up the audio by 2x using Phase Vocoder
    PARAMETER whisper_audio_ctx 0 #overwrite the audio context size (0 = use default)
    PARAMETER whisper_initial_prompt None #Initial prompt, these are prepended to any existing text context from a previous call
    PARAMETER whisper_prompt_tokens None #tokens to provide to the whisper decoder as initial prompt
    PARAMETER whisper_prompt_n_tokens 0 #tokens to provide to the whisper decoder as initial prompt
    PARAMETER whisper_suppress_blank True #common decoding parameters
    PARAMETER whisper_suppress_non_speech_tokens False #common decoding parameters
    PARAMETER whisper_temperature 0.0 #initial decoding temperature
    PARAMETER whisper_max_initial_ts 1.0 #max_initial_ts
    PARAMETER whisper_length_penalty -1.0 #length_penalty
    PARAMETER whisper_temperature_inc 0.2 #temperature_inc
    PARAMETER whisper_entropy_thold 2.4 #similar to OpenAI's "compression_ratio_threshold"
    PARAMETER whisper_logprob_thold -1.0 #logprob_thold
    PARAMETER whisper_no_speech_thold 0.6 #no_speech_thold

  3. You can now use the Cool-Whisper model for speech recognition. The following figure shows the use of Whisper and Cool-Whisper for recognizing mixed Chinese-English audio files, which can accurately recognize mixed Chinese-English scenarios


  1. Cool-Whisper's HuggingFace Hub
  2. Professor Lee's Facebook post

· 2 min read
Yung-Hsiang Hu

Kuwa's RAG application (DocQA/WebQA/DatabaseQA/SearchQA) supports customization of advanced parameters through the Bot's model file starting from version v0.3.1, allowing a single Executor to be virtualized into multiple RAG applications. Detailed parameter descriptions and examples are as follows.

Parameter Description

The following parameter contents are the default values for the v0.3.1 RAG application.

Shared Parameters for All RAGs

PARAMETER retriever_embedding_model "thenlper/gte-base-zh" # Embedding model name
PARAMETER retriever_mmr_fetch_k 12 # MMR fetch k chunks
PARAMETER retriever_mmr_k 6 # MMR fetch k chunks
PARAMETER retriever_chunk_size 512 # Length of each chunk in characters (not restricted for DatabaseQA)
PARAMETER retriever_chunk_overlap 128 # Overlap length between chunks in characters (not restricted for DatabaseQA)
PARAMETER generator_model None # Specify which model to answer, None means auto-selection
PARAMETER generator_limit 3072 # Length limit of the entire prompt in characters
PARAMETER display_hide_ref False # Do not show references

DocQA, WebQA, SearchQA Specific Parameters

PARAMETER crawler_user_agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" # Crawler UA string

SearchQA Specific Parameters

PARAMETER search_advanced_params "" # Advanced search parameters (SearchQA only)
PARAMETER search_num_url 3 # Number of search results to retrieve [1~10] (SearchQA only)

DatabaseQA Specific Parameters

PARAMETER retriever_database None # Path to vector database on local Executor

Usage Example

Suppose you want to create a DatabaseQA knowledge base and specify a model to answer, you can create a Bot,
select DocQA as the base model, and fill in the following Modelfile.

PARAMETER generator_model "model_access_code" # Specify which model to answer, None means auto-selection
PARAMETER generator_limit 3072 # Length limit of the entire prompt in characters
PARAMETER retriever_database "/path/to/local/database/on/executor" # Path to vector database on local Executor

· One min read
Yung-Hsiang Hu

Kuwa is designed to support the connection of various non-LLM tools. The simplest tool can refer to src/executor/ The following is a content description.

import os
import sys
import asyncio
import logging
import json

from kuwa.executor import LLMExecutor, Modelfile

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DebugExecutor(LLMExecutor):
def __init__(self):

def extend_arguments(self, parser):
Override this method to add custom command-line arguments.
parser.add_argument('--delay', type=float, default=0.02, help='Inter-token delay')

def setup(self):
self.stop = False

async def llm_compute(self, history: list[dict], modelfile:Modelfile):
Responsible for handling the requests, the input is chat history (in
OpenAI format) and parsed Modelfile (you can refer to
`genai-os/src/executor/src/kuwa/executor/`), it will return an
Asynchronous Generators to represent the output stream.
self.stop = False
for i in "".join([i['content'] for i in history]).strip():
yield i
if self.stop:
self.stop = False
await asyncio.sleep(modelfile.parameters.get("llm_delay", self.args.delay))
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Error occurs during generation.")
yield str(e)

async def abort(self):
This method is invoked when the user presses the interrupt generation button.
self.stop = True
return "Aborted"

if __name__ == "__main__":
executor = DebugExecutor()